There is at present, again, a debate around the correct terms with which to refer to the language spoken by the original inhabitants of Nepāl Maṇḍala. With the UNESCO Decade of Indigenous Languages well underway, this seems to be a…
Ethnic nationalism and extinction
Ethnic nationalism leads to extinctions. This is a specific example of the destructive interactions between different processes within the ecological, economic and political crisis, and it is important because it shows that there can be unexpected causal links going from…

Nine headed birds
There are some places you visit and remember, and there are other places that you get tangled up with. Wuhan is such a place for me. In 2015, I accepted the post of director of the Confucius Institute of the…

For a future university
The ratcheting stresses of economic injustice and a tangibly deteriorating global environment are fuelling populism, fascism, and fundamentalism across the planet. I believe that we are on the cusp of a serious struggle to define and defend the values and…
COVID-19 र विदेशमा पढ्न बसेका विद्यार्थीहरुको संघर्ष
विदेशमा पढ्न र केही गर्छु भन्ने सपना देखेर विदेश भीत्रीएका विद्यार्थीहरुको आंखाहरू आज COVID-19 ले रसायको अवस्थामा देखीन्छ। विदेशमा पढ्न नभएको पैसा कागजमा भएपनी देखाउनै पर्ने , ऋीण, धीतो, घरजग्गा र सर्वस्व नै दुबाएका यी विद्यार्थीहरुले कन्सलतेन्सीलाई तन्न पैसा तीरैकै…
SARS-CoV 2 vs international students
International students are one of the most important revenue streams for universities in Australia, the USA and Europe. A complex network of people and organisations that ranges from university ‘international recruitment’ offices to in-country ‘consulting firms’ work to identify families…
The coronavirus is the climate emergency is air pollution is…
Labels like “global overheating” or “the climate crisis” are imprecise and divert our attention from the scale, complexity, and speed of the ecological/economic/political crisis. There are at least four broad kinds of destruction, all wreaked by humans, that have created…
Opportunities to learn from Covid-19
We can learn a great deal about how to respond to the climate emergency from looking at how organisations, governments and individuals are reacting to the novel coronavirus. Here are six points to start with. 1. It is possible to…